Is Deep Tissue Massage Right for You?
In one of my first massage experiences, I walked into the room and told the massage therapist that I needed a deep tissue massage. It sounded like it was going to check all my boxes! About 5 minutes into the massage the therapist began to dig her elbows and knuckles into my shoulders and back. Sounds ideal, right? At one point, she must’ve hit a nerve or muscle JUST right because my reflexes kicked in and I jolted up off of the massage table! This massage therapist was very apologetic and explained that to get the most out of my massage, communication was key. She also explained that a “deep tissue” massage depends solely on the person receiving; What might be considered deep tissue for one person could be too much or too little pressure for another. This made so much sense after it was explained to me, and I have made sure to keep an open line of communication with every massage therapist I’ve had since then.
Deep Tissue
Does “Deep Tissue” define exact terms of what I’m looking for in a massage?
Clients who have never had a massage before, don’t do well with pain, or have specific areas that may be injured aren’t usually the best candidates for deep tissue massage. The area to be massaged with deep tissue techniques needs to be prepped and warmed up properly to avoid any extra strain or tension in the muscles. If the muscles aren’t warmed up, it can lead to bruising, stiffness, and sometimes even injury.
Our massage therapist Kalina says, “The best pressure for a deep tissue massage is a 4 on a pain scale of 1-5. That pain scale means that a 5 would have you jumping off the table naked because it hurts so bad! Obviously, we don’t want that. If a client can endure it, they will walk out of the room feeling like a whole new person with more mobility and relaxed muscles. It is common to be sore, but with lots of water it will be minimized.”
If you are unsure about which massage pressure is best for you, have areas of concern that might bother you more than others, or it’s your first time getting a massage, don’t forget to communicate all of those things to your massage therapist the next time you’re in the spa! Speaking from experience, we truly have the best of the best, their main goal is to make you feel better and more relaxed.